
    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Business resilience and wellbeing

    Broadly speaking, resilience refers to an organisation’s ability to adapt quickly and respond well to a crisis. That means being prepared to deal with an unforeseen or predictable event. This could be anything from your superstar employee moving to your competitor, new legislation forcing you to make sweeping changes to your products, or a major global health or economic crisis, like Covid.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 18 October 2021

    Escooter Istock 1164496220 Credit Vgajic

    E-scooter deliveries – advice to takeaway

    E-scooters have become a common sight on UK roads over recent years. Not only are they used by individuals for short journeys or daily commutes, they are also now being ridden by takeaway drivers.

    By Ben Pepper on 17 November 2021

    James Tye With Esther Rantzen, B&W, 1980'S

    Standing up for those without a voice

    This month, our founder James Tye would have celebrated his 100th birthday, on 21 December. In fact, James died a quarter of a century ago, though his legacy endures to this day – both in terms of what he achieved in his lifetime and the way the British Safety Council continues to take forward what he began.

    By Mike Robinson on 09 November 2021

    Menopause Istock 458804423 Credit Nicolasmccomber

    Menopausal women need better support at work

    If anyone was still in doubt, the #MenopauseRevolution is truly upon us.

    By Carolyn Harris MP on 12 December 2022


    Active working: poor advice threatens progress

    We are sitting more than ever before – and our sedentary lives are having a big impact on both our mental health and long-term health.

    By Gavin Bradley on 14 December 2021

    Enviro Act Istock 1159052337 Credit Susanneschulz

    Environment Act can guide us to a cleaner and greener future

    In a historic move, the UK’s first dedicated Environment Act for nearly 30 years has become law.

    By Ruth Chambers on 13 December 2021

    Istock 187048979 Credit Africaimages

    You can’t be safe if you’re not healthy

    The title of this comment, a statement from Professor Dame Carol Black, the government advisor on health and work, should be displayed prominently at every business.

    By Graham Sharp on 17 December 2019

    Cyclist Courier Istock Med Georgeclerk SMLL

    A gig on your own?

    Government and employers should fund a new institute to provide leadership in health and safety research, the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) has urged in a report.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 14 August 2019

    Lawrence Waterman, Chairman Of The British Safety Council

    Not a man’s world

    If you look in your purse or wallet, there’s a good chance you will find a picture of Jane Austen – the result of a campaign initiated and led by Caroline Criado-Perez OBE when Elizabeth Fry, the Victorian prison and social campaigner, was replaced by Winston Churchill on the £5 note, leaving only men’s images celebrating achievement. 

    By Lawrence Waterman obe on 01 April 2019

    So Long GB Istock Drimafilm SMLL

    Be very careful not to lose what works

    While the UK’s current reputation abroad is far from its zenith, it’s good to know that, by and large, our safety performance remains the envy of the world.

    By Paul Reeves CFIOSH on 01 March 2019