
    4 Day Week Logo

    Four-day week could boost employee mental wellbeing

    Thirty businesses have recently announced their participation in the UK’s biggest ever four-day week pilot, trialling a 32-hour, four-day working week with no loss in pay from June this year.

    By Grace Robinson, 4 Day Week Campaign on 12 April 2022

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Are the rules simply there to be broken?

    Do we value regulations enough, or are we better off without them? Most of the time, many of us never pause to think about the rules that govern us, so embedded are they in our daily life.

    By Mike Robinson on 12 April 2022

    Wellbeing Header Image

    The power of thank you

    It’s been said that since we are given the gift of 84,000 seconds every day, we should use at least one of them to say ‘thank you’. That’s not bad advice. And a simple thank you does more than you might think, for you, as well as for those on the receiving end.

    By Samantha Peters, Being Well Together Committee on 07 December 2020

    People Are Amazing Logo

    The ‘new normal’ needs good mental health

    That ‘we shout safety but whisper health’ was something regularly heard within the construction health and safety community before 2020.

    By Jennie Armstrong on 23 November 2020

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Making common between the local and national

    The idea that ‘local knows best’ is a deeply rooted one. The UK’s national institutions such as the Home Office, even the monarchy or Church of England, are relative latecomers when compared to local structures like shires that originated with our Saxon or Roman heritage.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 24 November 2020


    Covid-19 is now a foreseeable risk: duty holders on notice

    The Covid-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on health and safety requirements the civil and criminal law imposes on duty holders. It has done so in the context of a virus no one had heard of 12 months ago and in respect of which scientific understanding is evolving.

    By Keith Morton QC on 05 November 2020

    Lesley Staff Pic Lighter Bw

    Injury prevention must be a public health priority

    It’s Zahra’s first day back at work, as her office reopens after several months. Before this year, she wouldn’t have said her job at an IT services company was a dangerous one – bar the odd stray cable on the floor.

    By Lesley Rankin on 20 October 2020

    Samantha Peters

    Something to smile about

    Something I really miss these days is smiling. I don’t mean I never smile. Rather, it’s the interaction I miss. I smile at you. You smile at me. Our mood lifts. It’s a language everyone understands. Masks inevitably mute the process.

    By Samantha Peters on 05 October 2020

    Lawrence Waterman, Chairman Of The British Safety Council

    Time for the government to up its game

    This is my last column for a while, after something over two years of monthly musings as chairman of the British Safety Council. I had prepared some sort of summing up, looking at the key themes explored.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 08 September 2020


    Building safety regime – major changes

    The Fire Safety Bill, introduced to the UK Parliament during lockdown, is likely to become law in the autumn.

    By Katherine Metcalfe on 01 September 2020