
    Welding hazardous substances hood helmet

    Airborne hazards: a major danger

    Exposure to substances like welding fume and metalworking fluids can cause serious and life-threatening diseases, but the risk can be eliminated or reduced through the correct use of controls.

    By David Flower, Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) on 13 December 2023

    Height Training MED (2)

    A step up

    Guidance has been published to make it easier to communicate the essential messages for safe working at height to designers, clients, managers, supervisors and workers.

    By Access Industry Forum on 01 March 2021

    DDG White Paper 4 500

    Flying away from risks

    Unmanned drones could avoid the risk to life posed by using helicopters to carry out maintenance inspections of offshore wind farms. But much larger and more powerful models will need to be developed and approved for use to cope with the strong winds.

    By Robert Garbett, Founder, Drone Major Group Ltd, and Chairman, Drone Delivery Group on 01 March 2021

    Ladder Association standards diagram with tick 500 wide-min

    Stepping up to the standard

    When purchasing portable ladders it’s vital to check the equipment has been independently certified to meet the new BS EN 131 standard.

    By Francis Camilleri, Chairman, Ladder Association Technical Committee on 01 March 2021

    Van Motorway MED Istock 1391118307 Credit Ristoarnaudov

    How do we get people to change behaviours to improve safety on our roads?

    National Highways takes a variety of behavioural, social and physical factors into account when seeking to enable, engage and support people to drive safely on England’s motorways and major A-roads.

    By Deirdre O’Reilly, National Highways on 08 January 2024

    Co-op body camera

    Can cameras save our shop workers from attack?

    Shoplifting is on the rise, and with it the violence and intimidation of those who work in shops. We investigate whether body-worn cameras are an effective deterrent.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 09 January 2024

    Modjoul Smartbelt

    How wearable tech helps reduce MSD and collision risks

    Artificial intelligence and wearable technology can now be used to assess and provide feedback on the ergonomic risks posed by high impact and repetitive tasks, making it quicker and easier to identify ways of improving training and work processes to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

    By Graham Sharp, Stanley on 03 January 2024

    Brigade 2 Driver

    Fleet safety technology: a wealth of options

    The technology that can be fitted to heavy goods vehicles to reduce the risk they pose to vulnerable road users is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and also offers other benefits, such as helping businesses defend themselves from fraudulent insurance claims in the event of a collision in which their driver are blameless.

    By Emily Hardy, Brigade Electronics plc on 13 November 2023

    Man Drinking Photograph Mind Leigh Anderson

    Why it’s important to support mental health, wellbeing and stress prevention at work

    Preventing stress at work and supporting employees’ mental wellbeing reaps benefits for workers and employers alike, and there’s a wealth of free advice and tools available to help you get started.

    By Ashleeka Mandil, Mental Health and Productivity Pilot on 05 October 2023

    Woman worried phone domestic abuse victim

    Domestic abuse: why it IS your business

    As a survivor of domestic abuse, I know first-hand the importance of employers creating a workplace environment where employees feel able to disclose they are experiencing abuse – and offering suitable support and guidance.

    By Sharon Livermore, Domestic Abuse Education on 01 December 2023