
    Which Way SMLL Istock Narvikk


    As the Brexit story unfolds, more details will be known about future occupational safety and health regulations. It is therefore likely that some of the issues still uncertain at the time this magazine goes to press will be clearer in just a few days, when these pages reach you. Or not. Because if something we have learned through the Brexit process is that deferments and new scenarios have found a fertile territory in the public debate after 23 June 2016. Iris Cepero

    By on 01 March 2019

    Sun Cream Credit Sc Johnson Professional

    Working in the sun: why it’s time to take action

    With recent research showing that almost one in three outdoor workers in the UK never wear sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful UV rays, it’s never been more important for employers to educate staff about the health risks – and provide appropriate sun protection products.

    By SC Johnson Professional on 10 July 2023

    Tall Buildings Bsr Med Istock Credit Nirian

    The gateways to building safety

    A new ‘gateway’ approval process aims to ensure the safety of certain high-rise residential buildings in Britain.

    By Colin Blatchford-Brown, HSE on 21 February 2023

    Skyline London Housing Development Istock Coldsnowstorm Med

    Mental health in construction: building the next storey

    With rising numbers of suicides in construction, how is the industry responding to the crisis?

    By Belinda Liversedge on 08 February 2023

    Woman Robot Med Istock

    Are you ready for the next industrial revolution?

    New and emerging technology, such as collaborative robots that can work alongside or even independently of people, looks set to boost productivity and innovation, but may also pose new risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing.

    By Dr Julie Riggs, British Safety Council on 13 February 2023

    Busy Office Istock 618864192 Vm

    Managing office noise post-pandemic

    A noisy office can be a cause of stress but there are some simple workplace design adjustments that can help mitigate the impact.

    By Guy Osmond, Osmond Ergonomics on 01 March 2023

    Chef Flames Kitchen Med Istock 948116034 Credit Bernardbodo

    Too many broths spoil the cook: the hidden dangers of air pollution in commercial kitchens

    Kitchens can be highly polluted working environments but there are options for making them safer and more sustainable.

    By Tom Parkes, London Borough of Camden on 14 June 2023

    Istock 926559380 Credit Pic Studio

    Still slipping up on safety?

    Slips, trips and falls are the single biggest cause of non-fatal injuries at work in Britain – but there are many practical and cost-effective ways of preventing them.

    By Emma Willison, Arco on 06 July 2023

    Air Freshener Indoor Air Pollution

    We are what we breathe

    Poor indoor air quality can have a negative impact on productivity and may even affect our future health, so it’s vital employers consider ways of reducing our exposure to airborne hazards like chemicals.

    By Dr Julie Riggs, British Safety Council on 06 April 2023

    Biodiversity Med Istock Velvetfish

    Boosting biodiversity: why businesses must act

    Healthy ecosystems and biodiversity are crucial for everything from food production to absorbing carbon emissions – and businesses have a crucial role in reversing biodiversity loss.

    By Dr Keith Whitehead, British Safety Council on 12 June 2023