Since 1 August 2021
The site must NOT have:
a) suffered any workplace fatalities;
b) been subject to any prohibition notices;
c) been the subject of any convictions in relation to health and safety breaches.
In addition, there must be NO ongoing criminal investigations or prosecutions pending in relation to health and safety at the site.
Improvement notices
An improvement notice at the site does NOT preclude you from entering for an award. However, if an improvement notice has been served at this site since 1 August 2021, you must declare this and satisfy the adjudicators that suitably appropriate remedial measures have been implemented.
Specified (reportable) injuries / Occupational ill health / Dangerous occurrences
A specified (reportable) injury, incidence of occupational ill health or dangerous occurrence at the site does NOT preclude you from entering for an award. However, if there has been such an incident at this site since 1 August 2021, you must declare this and satisfy the adjudicators that suitably appropriate remedial actions have been implemented to minimise the risk of a similar injury occurring again.
The British Safety Council reserves the right to withhold, suspend or withdraw the award of a Sword of Honour at any time should the applicant organisation have not met the eligibility criteria or failed to fully disclose any material facts that bring their eligibility into question. The British Safety Council will be publishing information concerning the winning organisations to promote the awards, the celebratory lunch and to help disseminate best practice.
Eligibility: Globe of Honour
The 2022 scheme is open to organisations that achieved five stars in the British Safety Council Five Star Environmental Audit process between 1 August 2021 and 31 July 2022. The application must relate to a specific site and the site must have been awarded a Five Star outcome in the aforementioned audit.
Since 1 August 2021, the site must NOT have had:
a) an uncontrolled environmental incident/release;
b) a breach of the conditions of a permitted activity;
c) a non-compliance with any applicable environmental legislation.
In addition, there must be NO ongoing criminal investigations or prosecutions pending in relation to environmental issues at the site.
Improvement notices
An improvement notice at the site does NOT preclude you from entering for an award. However, if an improvement notice has been served at this site since 1 August 2021, you must declare this and satisfy the adjudicators that suitably appropriate remedial measures have been implemented.
The British Safety Council reserves the right to withhold, suspend or withdraw the award of a Globe of Honour at any time should the applicant organisation have not met the eligibility criteria or failed to fully disclose any material facts that bring their eligibility into question. The British Safety Council will be publishing information concerning the winning organisations to promote the awards, the celebratory lunch and to help disseminate best practice.