What are the Sword and Globe of Honour awards?
These awards celebrate the best of the best in health, safety and environment management, giving great companies the recognition they deserve.
Each year, those that have achieved a five-star result in one of the following audits are invited to apply:
- Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit
- Five Star Environmental Audit
- Five Star Integrated Health, Safety and Environmental Audit
- Combined Audit.
With a direct link to the Five Star Audit report, these awards require a detailed and objective evaluation of occupational health, safety and environmental management system(s) and associated arrangements.
What is the Shield of Honour award?
Newly introduced in 2023, the Shield of Honour award is aimed specifically at Being Well Together Supporters and others, to recognise excellence in wellbeing.
To be eligible for the Shield of Honour, applicants must have achieved five-stars in one of the following Being Well Together audits:
- Five Star Wellbeing Audit
- Five Star Wellbeing Supplementary Audit.
Getting the five-star audit is just the start though, like the Sword and Globe awards, applicants need to demonstrate to an independent adjudication panel that they have a proven track record and culture of best practice for excellence in wellbeing, that runs throughout the organisation, from the shop floor to the boardroom.
Being Well Together Supporters gain free access to the new Shield of Honour awards.
The health, safety and wellbeing event of the year
The Sword, Globe and Shield of Honour awards will culminate in the health, safety and wellbeing event of the year at the prestigious Drapers’ Hall in London in November 2024. The ceremony will bring together hundreds of like-minded international leaders across sectors.
Why Apply?
Successful Sword, Globe and Shield applicants demonstrate that they are among the 'best of the best' through the submission of a written application and achieving their Five Star audit. The awards give winners the opportunity to;
Promote their success with the winners' trophy, logo, certificate, and press coverage
Add this achievement to tenders and corporate literature
Showcase their commitment to excellent health, safety wellbeing and environmental management standards
Motivate their workforce to strive for higher standards
- Benchmark themselves against others in their field.
How to apply?
Applications are now closed for the 2023 scheme.
If you have any queries or would like more information, please contact: [email protected].
Key dates
22 Jun 2023 | 2023 award applications open |
22 Sep 2023 | Application submission deadline for audits completed by 31 July 2023 |
12 Oct 2023 | Results emailed to applicants |
13 Oct 2023 | Winners list published |
23 Oct 2023 | Result enquiry deadline |
03 Nov 2023 | Trophy and plaque orders deadline |
24 Nov 2023 | Sword and Globe of Honour Luncheon, Drapers Hall, London |
Supporting resources
Click here to read the full eligibility criteria for the Sword and Globe of Honour awards.
Adjudication process and results
The written applications are marked by an independent panel of adjudicators appointed, trained and monitored by the British Safety Council. The adjudicators are all senior level health, safety and environmental practitioners. A rigorous standardisation process ensures that each adjudicator applies the marking scheme in exactly the same way so that all applications are marked consistently to the same standard.
Click here to view the full criteria for the adjudication process and results.
Application questions and marking criteria
Reports and winners list from 2022
To understand the scheme better, you might find it useful to read our frequently asked questions - complied for you here.
Watch our video on how to allocate licences: