
    Stressed Medic iStock DMP

    Calls for more mental health support for NHS workers grow amid burnout fears

    Calls for the reinstatement of UK government funding for the provision of mental health and wellbeing hubs for NHS workers have amplified, as a new survey by the UNISON union warns that the threat of burnout could compound healthcare staff shortages.

    By Kerry Reals on 12 April 2024

    Stressed Woman Burnout iStock PeopleImages

    Burnout Britain: how can we reduce stress and put out the fire?

    Multiple surveys published at the beginning of the year signalled high levels of stress and burnout among UK workers. We investigate what’s causing this, and what can be done about it.

    By Kerry Reals on 29 February 2024

    Marshel Rozario RRC International

    No silver bullet to address rising levels of workplace stress

    Psychological stress in the workplace is rising and there is “no silver bullet” to resolve it, Marshel Rozario, an associate tutor at health and safety training provider RRC International, told delegates attending the SHW Live North conference in Manchester.

    By Kerry Reals on 26 January 2024

    Stop burying our heads in the sand

    Ignoring what’s staring you in the face is a pretty normal reaction and most of the time doesn’t do us too much harm.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 01 March 2019

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    Spring Budget: funding to tackle leading health causes keeping people out of work

    The Spring Budget has set out more funding for mental health, musculoskeletal conditions and cardiovascular disease to support more people to stay in work.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 16 March 2023

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    What’s holding us back from managing stress?

    Have you ever told a colleague or manager that you feel stressed? Has a colleague ever told you that they feel stressed? If so, how do you feel it was handled?

    By Emma Slaven, Acas on 03 October 2023

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    NHS workers to get support to stop them quitting jobs

    NHS workers are overstretched and frustrated they do not have enough time with patients, as well as experiencing rising levels of bullying and harassment, an official report has said.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 01 June 2019

    Penny Mordaunt

    HSE challenged over work-related stress plans by MPs

    HSE has not ruled out inspecting for work-related stress but admitted it will be a “challenge going forward” as inspectors would have to use different techniques to those used in inspecting for safety.

    By on 20 April 2020

    Gowling MED Istock 640139782 Credit Fatcamera

    Supporting mental health at work: getting started

    Given I am going to say that it helps us all if people can be open about their mental health, I am going to start by saying I have a mental health condition. I have depression and generalised anxiety.

    By Simon Stephen on 30 March 2022

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    Tackling stress

    April is Stress Awareness Month, when we raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern stress pandemic.

    By Mike Robinson on 20 April 2021