
    Which Way SMLL Istock Narvikk


    As the Brexit story unfolds, more details will be known about future occupational safety and health regulations. It is therefore likely that some of the issues still uncertain at the time this magazine goes to press will be clearer in just a few days, when these pages reach you. Or not. Because if something we have learned through the Brexit process is that deferments and new scenarios have found a fertile territory in the public debate after 23 June 2016. Iris Cepero

    By on 01 March 2019

    Emma Rose Edited (1)

    Stop the deregulation drive: sensible health, safety and environmental protections are a force for good

    The UK has been a global leader when it comes to many social and environmental protections.

    By Emma Rose, Unchecked UK on 16 July 2023

    Bush Fire At Captain Creek Central Queensland Australia

    Responding to a risky world

    2020 has started with some big risks high up in the news. From fires in Australia as a harbinger of the climate’s power, to violence in the Middle East and, closer to home, the risks involved in leaving the EU, it is these large risks that tend to dominate our attention.

    By on 03 February 2020

    Mcgettrick P 31 Prv SELECTED A

    Brexit: we need to maintain our safety standards

    Following years of complex negotiations, a Trade and Cooperation Agreement has now been reached between the European Union (EU) and the UK, setting out the framework for future relations.

    By Peter McGettrick on 01 February 2021

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    The challenges of regulation and its enforcement

    Any post-Brexit review of the UK’s health and safety laws must not result in a watering down of workers’ rights, argues Mike Robinson.

    By Mike Robinson on 16 March 2021

    BOHS Istock 480607046

    Cancer-causing substances: what will Brexit mean?

    UK businesses may have to continue to meet any future new European Union exposure limits for carcinogenic substances at work if they are to avoid compensation claims.

    By Professor Kevin Bampton on 13 April 2021

    So Long GB Istock Drimafilm SMLL

    Be very careful not to lose what works

    While the UK’s current reputation abroad is far from its zenith, it’s good to know that, by and large, our safety performance remains the envy of the world.

    By Paul Reeves CFIOSH on 01 March 2019

    Eurostar Ensuring Consistent Standards Istock Mikeuk SMLL

    Ensuring consistent standards

    For over a century, British Standards Institution (BSI) has championed the values of transparency, collaboration and trust across borders through the adoption of best practice. The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union undoubtedly reinforces the importance of such shared values, and their ability to ease potential barriers to trade.

    By British Standards Institution on 01 March 2019

    Strasbourg France March 24 2015 Entrance To Council Of Europe European Union Istock Adrianhancu Med

    Fighting for a health and safety level playing field

    I am a lifelong trade unionist. At the heart of trade unionism lies negotiating deals with employers and sometimes governments. The beauty of it is that you can create a deal that benefits everyone – workers and employers. It’s messy, it’s complicated but there’s something in it for everybody.

    By Luca Visentini on 01 March 2019

    EU HQ SMLL Istock 638355618 Cineberg

    Preserving the values of a robust system

    With the date for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU looming, future relations remain to be agreed; but as matters currently stand, what can we say about the likely effect of departure on health and safety law in the UK?

    By Laura Cameron on 01 March 2019